Friday 2 May 2014

Evaluation - Live Music Performance

I believe that my production management skills were effective throughout this production; I believe I created an in-depth and appropriate proposal for this project; as well as organising different arrangements with Kevin when transport for the nights of the performances became an issue; and began planning and organising my time for the editing process effectively. Because I was put into the editing team, I had to work with Cavan; and although Cavan was not available, I separated the work equally; I notified Cavan of the work that he has to carry out, and I carried out my individual edits in good time; ready for the required deadline; however in future I would have preferred to have given myself more time so I could edit over two days rather than in one day; and to ensure that ALL of the editing; including Cavan's, was completed, however this was not possible.

On Monday 31st March and Tuesday the 1st April, our access group recorded the performances; because of problems with transport, Kevin and myself made arrangements so that instead of recording the performances themselves, I would be put into the editing team instead, and also, Cavan and Phil were unable to make it to recording the performance on the second night. There were also other schedule changes on the nights; We were originally told that there would be four bands performing on each night, for twenty minutes each; but instead there were six performances on the first night and five performances on the second night; each performance ranging between ten minutes and a little over twenty minutes. Also, we were originally told that the show would finish at half nine; and instead the show finished at half eight; another change to the production schedule.

Because I was not present on the nights of the performances, the bulk of my work was performed on the editing and post-production process; which I worked on with Cavan; and because there was only the two of us editing, there was not necessarily much "Team-Leading"; or the need to manage the team; the only things that had be co-ordinated was the times and dates for when to meet up and edit, or times when certain pieces of editing should be completed by; However although I contacted Cavan, he was unavailable for reply, and so I had to compromise and make decisions on the editing which worked best for the team, and hit the deadline, Being unable to contact Cavan was a serious issue, which I feel I resolved to the best of my ability, after consulting with Kevin for guidance on how to proceed..

I believe I displayed my strength in editing throughout the post-production process; and critical thinking and problem solving throughout the process when I was creating my Proposal; as I had to think through contingency plans for the night in case of a problem with recording equipment, or in case people could not get in for the night; and so preparing for a worst-case scenario; which I believe also displayed strength in my organisational skills; as I believe the proposal was well thought out and put together well. I believe I also showed strength in my teamwork skills; as I was working with Cavan on the editing process to produce the completed product; and as Cavan was unavailable, I notified him of the work he needed to do, and carried out the rest of the work myself, ensuring that neither one of us was given an unfair amount of work to do.

Next time, I would ensure that I give myself more time to complete the editing process; and make arrangements with my team in order to ensure that all of the work, not just my portion of the work; is done in time in order to ensure that the work carried out appears professional.

I believe that overall, the product was successful; as I feel that it met the requirements of the brief that we were given; was completed within good time, as well as including interviews, as we were asked for, and putting them together in the way that the client desired. The client gave a rough overview of what they wanted the finished product to look like; They stated that they wanted the finished product to look like a sort of awards ceremony; to include interviews with the band members, and the band members' family members in the audience, as well as shooting them backstage, and coming onstage and setting up; to make it include everything and give it the look and feel of performances being carried out before some awards are handed out. I was not in charge of carrying out the final edit; but responsible for preparing the footage for it's final edit, and I believe that I did this effectively; while adding my own creative input and I believe I contributed greatly to the process.

We received the feedback from Michael Ollier, head of the Middlesbrough College music department. He stated that the footage was clear and served it's purpose. He also said everyone acted professionally on the night. However the only piece of feedback which related to me, and that I could act upon, was when he stated that there were good establishing shots within the footage that could be used in the final edit.

Following the feedback that I was given from Michael Ollier; I believe that I did use the establishing shots well within the final edit, (As this feedback was given before the edit was distributed). So I believe no changes are necessary as a result of the feedback.

I believe that I worked creatively on the production of this final product; My task was to edit the footage so that it would be ready for the final edit. I believe I added some of my own creative vision to the edit, and left enough room for the editor carrying out the final edit to add their own artistic vision to the video. I cut out unusable footage, and I added my own creative input via my use of cutting; the placements of the cuts in time with the transitions to the next shot; and the inclusion of the bands setting up and putting away in preparation for an event. I believe this gave it a feel of an awards ceremony; as the client desired.