Friday 14 March 2014

Proposal for the recording of a live production

Proposal for the Media Mill Music Video recording

The brief given from my client is to record a musical performance performed by Middlesbrough College’s performing arts department. This will be performed in the Hazel Pearson Theatre in Middlesbrough College on the 31st of March, beginning at 7PM and ending at 9PM. There will be four bands performing, and they will be performing for 20 minutes each.
The aim of this video is to showcase the talents of the Middlesbrough College Performing Arts students; and should be a visual representation of the show as a whole.
The target audience for this video will mainly be students of the college, people deciding whether or not to join the college, as well as the family and friends of the students in the performance. These means that the majority of the target audience is essentially teenagers aged 16-18; and also the majority of these students or potential students will be interested in music and the performing arts.
To produce my product, I will require certain resources; namely the filming equipment; I would most likely require two GoPro Cameras, and two of the Canon C100’s; as I would most likely have two of the GoPros placed behind the performers, to catch them performing as well as the audience from two different angles, and I would have one C100 slightly off-centre, recording the stage, to get nothing but the performers on stage, and then one Canon C100 towards the back of the theatre, to capture the audience looking towards the performance, and to capture a little of the performance, to  capture the atmosphere at the performance. I would also need two HC6 mics, in order to ensure that I have a back-up audio; as that is obviously the most important part of the whole video. I would also require access to the editing suite in order to be able to use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the video.
In order to film this performance efficiently, I would need three people to operate the cameras; one person to operate the two GoPros, one person each to operate the two Canon C100s, and I would also need two people to operate the two microphones, and ensure that the audio is being captured correctly. I would obviously need the cast of the music production to be present and performing properly, I would need a live audience, preferably a larger audience, as well as to create an efficient project schedule. This project schedule would detail the set-up for the day of the performance. This would ensure that the whole day would run smoothly without any technical issues. The cameras would be set up and checked to ensure that they were working and recording correctly with no technical issues on the morning before the performance began; and then charged to make sure that they do not run out of charge during the performance, and then checked again one hour before the performance is scheduled to begin. The budget for this production is not necessary; as the college provide all necessary equipment and crew. The Project Schedule is attached.
There are various constraints that I will have to be wary of when filming this project; all members of the performing group will need to have signed consent forms agreeing to being filmed and for the video to be used for promotional use. The audience will also need to be aware that they will be being filmed and that the resulting video will be used for promotional use and will be distributed online; however the audience will not all each be required to sign individual consent forms; as long as they are all aware of the situation. However; If there are children in the audience, then the parent or guardian of these children will need to sign a consent form agreeing for their child to be recorded and distributed; as this is a legal requirement. If the parent or guardian does not agree to their child being recorded; then during the performance care will have to be taken to ensure that the child is not shown on the video, and that they are not recorded, as this could result in legal repercussions. I will also need to be aware of any copyright infringement issues whilst recording; However Middlesbrough College has paid royalties to ensure that their music and performing arts department can perform, be filmed, and have distributed any covers of other artist’s work; so this is not an issue for this client brief.

Project Schedule
31st March – Live Performance
10AM-12PM – Check all recording equipment to ensure that it is fully functioning and ready to record. Contact all related cast and crew to ensure that they are still available to film on the night and that there will be no issues. Ensure cameras are charging in preparation for the night and that the editing suite will still be available.
5PM – Collect all recording equipment, and set it up in the theatre ready for the performance.
6PM – Ensure all crew are in positions ready to film the arrival of the audience and the performers – perhaps capture some backstage shots with the GoPro.
7PM – Performance begins – All Crew should be in position with their equipment ready to film.
9PM – Once the performance has ended, crew will make their way up to the editing suite to remove all the raw data from the cameras and recording devices.
9.30PM – Once all data has been removed, all equipment should be taken back to the technician’s office and signed back in.

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