Thursday 3 April 2014

Production Log - Live Music Performance

On Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April, We were meant to record the live musical performances; however a week prior to these performances, I spoke to Kevin regarding transport arrangements for the night, and was told that this would be discussed by the Media team and I would be informed when a decision was made on my arrangements for the performances.

I was then informed by Kevin that, as an alternative, as paying for transport was not an option, I could instead not attend the performances, and instead be on the editing team; and so edit the product rather than actually be there filming it; which I decided was the best option.
As Cavan could also not attend the performance on the second night, he is a part of the editing team, and so Cavan and I will be working together on producing a finished edit of the product for the client.
We now have the raw footage, and so editing will begin on our first day back after the holidays; and should be completed within two days; to be handed in at the end of the week to Kevin to give to the client.
I will update this log once the editing process has begun.

01/05/2014 - I have taken the raw footage on one of the computer hard-drives in the media suite and began editing them. As I am working with Cavan on the project, I have edited the first video, and left the second video as Cavan's contribution to the editing project. I have notified Cavan of what he has to do.

02/05 - I have completed my evaluation and exported and saved the edit of the music videos. I have emailed this information to Kevin.

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