Saturday 7 June 2014

5 Minute Film - Production Log

Production Log

24th March - was issued assignment. Began developing ideas and mind-mapping my ideas for my film.

28th March - Began my research into Film Noir and Neo-Noir films. Watched some short films which make use of film noir concepts and silhouetting. Decided on core concept idea for the script.

30th March - Decided on final details for plot of my film. Began writing the script and making decisions on locations and where and how the film would be shot.

1st April - 4th April - Continued work on script. Script completed at the end of the day on the 4th April.

5th April - Script locked.

9th April - Began storyboards.

13th April - Storyboards completed. Wrote up consent release forms in preparation for filming.

14th April - Asked my desired actors if they would be willing to participate, and informed them I would let them know details when they were decided.

16th April - Drew up floor plans and found the risk assessments for shooting in the studio.

19th April - Wrote up the budget for my film.

25th April - Decided upon my date for filming. Informed the actors and created the call sheets.

2nd May - Double checked all pre-production documents. Created a script breakdown to ensure that any props necessary would be accessible on the day.

10th May - Reminded crew involved of the arrangements for the shoot. Made arrangements to use the studio and it's camera.

13th May - Shot all required scenes for the film. Filming went smoothly with minimal issues, aside from some required cast were not available on the day; and so I improvised and used some existing cast dressed up differently; which should not show up when silhouetted. Another issue that I encountered whilst filming was that some of the shots that I wanted could not be completed without having some of the curtain or floor in the shot; which affects the shot greatly; as I was using the green screen. I got all cast members to sign consent forms for the production. After filming was completed; I imported all footage into a new Premiere Pro project, and cut up all of the footage in preparation for beginning editing.
Was shown how to create the silhouetting effect.

15th May - Began editing. Put all the clips into their correct place within the sequence, cropped some clips to remove the curtain and floor that could be seen in the shot, and cut out additional seconds from each shot that were not necessary. I began to further plan out the photographs, and how I was going to edit them in preparation for putting them into photoshop.

16th May - Photo-shopped images ready to insert into green-screen in PPro.

17th May - Took most of the photographs necessary for the film. Plans for a voice actor fell through as they were unavailable, so as a last resort, I recorded the voice clips myself, using my own headset microphone, and Windows sound recorder. I imported the audio clips into my Premiere Pro project, and cut them short so they were ready to be placed in the sequence. Three audio clips remain needing to be recorded.

20th May - Final 3 Photographs to be put in place of green screen taken, and 2 found online (these photographs were public domain). Audio was added in in Premiere Pro; having issues with maintaining correct colours. Decided to cut out one of the smaller 5 second scenes. Only editing left to do is to match the audio up to where it is meant to be in correlation with the video, and to add in the opening and closing credits. Due to work commitments, assignment will be past deadline.

22nd May - Corrected colour in Premiere Pro, after photo-shopping the required photographs and putting them into the green screen. Added in the opening credits.

23rd May - Final three audio clips recorded. Imported these into my PPro project and cut them down ready to put into the sequence.

24th May - Sold the laptop I have been editing on at home today; saved files to backup and went to begin editing on the computer at home; cannot get computer to work; will continue editing in college.

11th June - Moved audio clips into necessary places within my project. Double checked the look of the whole film, and ensured that everything had the correct look. Made some minor changes to some of the images in Photoshop, and added the closing credits. I then exported the completed project, uploaded it to Vimeo, and then handed it in as a completed assignment. Handed in all Pre-Production documents as part of a paper folder.
-Project Completed-


I believe that overall, I was well prepared for the project; however I did encounter a few problems; The voice actor I had ready for the voice-over for my film was unavailable for when we had arranged, and so I had to do the voice over myself as a contingency plan. This was a decision I was not completely happy with, but was the only remaining option at such short notice; so I believe if I was to create a film like this again in future, I would arrange things with a little more time to spare, just in case something like that happened again. I also could not complete the editing on time due to circumstances beyond my control; and although I gave myself time for editing; I believe I should have gave myself more time; just in case there was a problem like this that I had not planned for, that I could not create a suitable contingency plan for. However, as far as the actually editing went, I believe it went very well, and the look of the film itself worked well. The silhouetting I feel worked very well, and the green screen photographs I believe did not look too fake, as I had feared. I feel overall, the production had room for improvement, but I believe it still went well; and the only part of the film that suffered as a result, was the sound - (the voice over), and not being able to be submitted on the deadline.

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