Friday 20 June 2014

Production Log - Box Office Battle

Week 1

Rebecca and I have been tasked with creating an episode of Box Office Battle.
We have to incorporate VOX Pops into the episode, and so we have decided to film the VOX Pops of people saying their favourite and least favourite film; and these would determine the film that was talked about on the show.
We decided to use Hamada and Jack as our two reviewers; and decided we did not need a presenter; as we would get Hamada and Jack to open and close the show themselves.
We decided that as Hamada was going to be the one doing the majority of the talking, and Jack would be combatting what he was saying; we would choose a film that Hamada enjoyed and knew about, and when we asked him; He said that he knew the Fast and The Furious; and so we decided to use this as the theme for this episode of Box Office Battle. We also decided to use the series of films as a whole rather than just one of the films.

Week 2 - Week 3

We began the pre-production work; Rather than having a full script; we decided to just script the beginning of the show (The opening) and the ending (The conclusion) and discuss some topics for them to cover through the discussion of the show; and then let it become a free flowing discussion rather than scripting at all, and risking it sounding too forced or fake.
We created a breakdown sheet for the show; and decided we only needed two chairs for the reviewers; and a green screen to display the "Box Office Battle" on.
We created a call sheet so everyone could get in touch when necessary; and we also created release forms and got the actors to sign them.
We created risk assessments for the show to ensure that everything was safe and showed these to the actors and crew involved so that they were aware of any risks.

Week 4

We filmed Box Office Battle today.
We had some issues with sound at the beginning, but after this the shooting ran rather smoothly.
We got all of the footage required aside from the VOX Pops on one day. This was moved a couple of days later and saved to the editing computers.

Week 5

We filmed the VOX Pops today, and moved the footage onto the computers. We each began our own edit of Box Office Battle (Rebecca and I). I got the majority of my editing done.

Week 6

Editing was completed; I exported the video, uploaded it to Vimeo, and submitted my assignment on BlackBoard.

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